Using YouTube Templates for YouTube Marketing
YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world and millions of new visitors are added to YouTube each day. To ensure that your video appears on the first page of results, it's important to create an effective advertorial . Here are some tips to help you with your YouTube Channel Art efforts: * Creativity is key here. Make sure you send your graphic designer an idea of your channel's placement, design and examples of YouTube Channel Art you like best. Include Credibility: Have you previously featured on popular blogs or news websites? If so, think about including ikon buttons, clipart and banners to your YouTube channel art campaign. * Pick the right colors for your advertorial. A good suggestion for colors that work for a YouTube channel art template is to pick colors that compliment your background artwork. For instance, if your website uses a red background, try a blue buttoned button graphic for your YouTube graphics. Bright colors can distract people, but pastel ...